Make use of your summer holidays and all the things we collect on the
beach....sand, pebbles, shells! I used the sand from the amazing beach
of Vatera, one of the biggest and my most favorite on Lesvos Island, to
create these "I spy" bottles in order to create vocabulary exercises and
to revise linguistic items taught in the past. The students shake the bottles trying to spot the pictures and write down the words. If there are different teams of students they can alternate bottles the minute you blow a whistle! Then they can count their scores and find out which team knows most of the words! My students loved it!!
The students of D' Class of the 5th Primary School of Mytilene decided to put paper back to where it belongs. So, after making promises to take care of Nature and to do our best not to waste natural resources, we made this tree of toilet paper rolls.
The name for our craft is : BACK TO THE TREE
We are happy to announce the beginning of our school trip!
By the students of the 5th and 6th Classes
5th Primary School of Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece
An e-Twinning project created by :
Angela Tsakiri, 5th Primary School of Mytilene, Greece
Maria Agrello, Istituto Comprensivo Statale "Giovanni XXIII" di Lauria - Scuola Primaria
"Cardinal Brancati", Italy
Roza Evrova, 144 Secondary School Narodni Buditeli, Bulgaria
Larisa Voronyuk, Jelgavas 2. pamatskola, Latvia
Anna Zdebiak, Szkoła Podstawowa nr 8 im.Bolesława Chrobrego, Poland
Dominika Svehlova, ZS T.G. Masaryka MNICHOVICE, Czech Republic
and our students!