Το πρόγραμμά μας με τίτλο «Let’s speak music»
Το πρόγραμμα είχε στόχο να διδάξει Γλώσσα (Ελληνική και Αγγλική) μέσα από μουσικοκινητικές δραστηριότητες. Ο συνδυασμός της μουσικής, του ρυθμού, της κίνησης με γλωσσικές δομές βοηθάει στην ενδυνάμωση της μνήμης και κάνει το περιεχόμενο της γλώσσας κατανοητό στα παιδιά. Παράλληλα, αναπτύσσεται η ενεργητική ακοή του και εξοικειώνεται με τις μουσικές έννοιες. Δίνεται η δυνατότητα στους μαθητές να αναπτύξουν ταλέντα και δεξιότητες, να συνεργαστούν με άλλα παιδιά και να αναπτύξουν αυτοπειθαρχία μέσω της καλλιέργειας του ελέγχου και του συντονισμού των κινήσεων. Και πάνω απ’ όλα στόχος μας ήταν να δημιουργηθεί ευχάριστο μαθησιακό κλίμα και να αναπτυχθούν σχέσεις συνεργασίας και φιλίας μεταξύ των μαθητών μας αλλά και με τους μαθητές των άλλων Ευρωπαϊκών σχολείων. ABSTRACT Research in the evolution of language and music has proven that they share common bases, interact and support each other. The audio capability, the perception of sounds, imitation and creation are essential skills in both language and music. The combination of the two can create powerful incentives for students to develop their skills. The aim of "Let's talk music" is to incorporate musical interactive activities in the primary education language levels and an interdisciplinary approach to education. The musical activities and games encourage young students to engage in a pleasant repetitions, which may enhance the memorization of sounds and structures of new languages. The learning approach through music activities can reduce language barriers and contribute effectively to the social integration of students, especially in rural areas, problematic border regions, where the possibilities for students are limited.The project aims to contribute to the development of confidence and self-expression, as well as the improvement of intercultural understanding, and will also highlight the contribution of music as a cultural phenomenon. Activities by the Greek students : • Project logo
Congratulations to the Turkish team for winning the logo competition!
• Setting off on an eTwinning adventure
We begin our musical and linguistic adventure from our school, the Primary School of Loutropoli Thermis, Lesvos, we travel to Sofia, Bulgaria our neighbouring country to go on to Gijon, Spain. From there, off to a northern place, Lahti, Finland and then to another neighbouring country, Kayseri, Turkey that will lead us back to our school full of new experiences and ideas. What a wonderful trip!
• Greece- Presenting Ourselves!
Picture slideshow personalized with Smilebox We also created Fakebook profiles and exchanged with our partners |
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• Mistletoes from Greece
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6th class, Primary School of Thermi, Lesvos, Greece
• Ice Breaker to introduce people from different countries
4th Class of the Primary School of Thermi, Greece
• Musical Feelings
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2nd class of the Primary School of Thermi, Lesvos, Greece
• Teaching Grammar with Body percussion
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How do we help memorization of grammar structures? Use body percussion!
3rd class, Primary School of Thermi, Lesvos, Greece
• Let's do the Pinocchio!
Let's learn our body parts with music! It's so much fun!
From the students of the 3rd class, Primary School of Thermi, Lesvos, Greece
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• Moving Around
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• I can sing a rainbow - Subtitling a song
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- The students of the Primary School of Thermi excitedly danced "Slide" at the end-of-school-year party! It was great fun!
Slide Dance from Angela Tsakiri on Vimeo.
A puppet show and song from the students of the 4th Class of the Primary School of Thermi, Lesvos, Greece.
This free picture slideshow made with Smilebox
Our 6th grade students kiss us goodbye by singing this song. We're gonna miss them when they're gone..... SAM 1158 from Angie Tsak on Vimeo. |