Τετάρτη 13 Νοεμβρίου 2013

Let's Speak Music! Presenting Ourselves and our school

We, the students of the 4th, 5th and 6th classes of the Primary School of Loutropoli Thermis, would like to present our school to our eTwinning friends! Enjoy our videos!
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European Quality Label !

We are very proud to announce that our eTwinning project "Life on Europlanet" was awarded the European Quality label. Congratulations to all the participants! It was a great cooperation!

Τρίτη 8 Οκτωβρίου 2013

E-Twinning 2013 - 2014 "Let's speak music!"

Project Announcement

We begin our musical and linguistic adventure from our school, the Primary School of Loutropoli Thermis, Lesvos, we travel to Sofia, Bulgaria our neighbouring country to go on to Gijon, Spain. From there, off to a northern place, Lahti, Finland and then to another neighbouring country, Kayseri, Turkey that will lead us back to our school full of new experiences and ideas. What a wonderful trip!

Παρασκευή 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Do you Speak Music ?

Lifelong  Learning  Programme  COMENIUS

In – service  Training  Course ,  
 Do you speak music ?
European music portfolio
A creative way into languages
Schiers  Switzerland

July  2013
Basic  Ideas
Language  is  music               
         From a very early age children make sounds, murmur, sing, move around and dance in a very natural way. They communicate in their “music language” which can be regarded as pre-verbal communication. As they get older, they develop their mother tongue using these pre-verbal musical elements. Brain research has confirmed a profound relationship between music and language learning. Also, research indicates that children are pre-disposed to learning foreign languages. Listening, perceiving, imitating and creating are basic skills in both language and music. 
 Aims  of  the  project
       The goal of the Comenius  Multilateral Project “European Music Portfolio: A Creative Way into Languages” is to integrate musical activities in primary foreign language education. This learning approach can reduce language barriers, and help social integration. It can also nurture self-confidence and self-expression and improve intercultural understanding.
Really? Can I use music for language teaching?
         The neurological links between language and music are vast but the basic thing to remember is that music activates more parts of the brain than language does, on both the right and left sides of the brain. So if you remember something to a tune, you are more likely to recall the information than if you just read it or heard it spoken.

         Have you ever heard a song on the radio that you haven’t heard in a decade and you surprise yourself by singing all the lyrics?

         Music and catchy jingles can stick in our minds for years while names of people, places,  verb conjugation charts and memorized data disappear
 My excuse for using music….
         Claudia Cornett (2011) writes: "Classroom teachers do not need to sing well, play an instrument, or read music to start music integration. What is needed is commitment to the philosophy of arts integration and a willingness to learn. Put music into perspective. It is a way of knowing - an intelligence every person possesses. Students will not mind if the teacher does not have a fine singing voice if genuine enthusiasm is expressed. Making the effort to sing with students builds relationship and community - staples for discipline. Since classroom teachers are not perceived as specialists, students accept amateur efforts as natural and normal... With experience and commitment to music integration, all teachers can learn to sing without embarrassment, without being limited by the Western notion that only the talented should sing out.Remember Thoreau's point that the forest would be a very quiet place if only the talented birds sang." 
A Few course activities and moments with lovely people

Κυριακή 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Life-long Learning

The key to successful teaching is getting rid of the teachers' "know-it-all" perception of reality and deciding that teaching is a lifelong learning process. But what happens if you live on an island far away from the centre of action, the capital city of your country, or an Asian, South American, or African country where the opportunities are rare? e-Learning is the solution to the problem. There are many courses offered by several universities that give great opportunities to teachers worldwide.
The course I attended this summer was one of those and I consider myself quite fortunate to be selected. I was part of a select group of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) educators who were participating in this innovative and exciting online project! The course was offered by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs; the U.S. Embassy of Greece ; and the American English Institute in the University of Oregon's Linguistics Department and was a 10-week online training course.

Course description

Teaching English to Young Learners 

Students ages 5-10 are "primed" to acquire English in an integrated skills and content-based, experiential approach. Educators who understand the cognitive and social processes of language acquisition for Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) are better equipped to help learners while also creating a fun, positive environment. In many cases TEYL educators in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) settings have limited time to reach their teaching goals and meet local requirements on the use of specific texts, tests, or other materials. A low-resource environment can also pose challenges. In this course, participants explore solutions for such challenges through an overview of current research and "best" practices (always context-dependent) for TEYL, plus hands-on experimentation with a wide array of freely available online resources. Participants can also opt to identify resources and create final projects for "tweens" (ages 10-12).

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
     - Identify, evaluate and selectively apply a wide variety of stimulating and age-appropriate materials (e.g., read-along texts, audio, songs, video,  hands-on manipulatives, games, puzzles, realia) to existing or new EFL curriculum, tailored to EFL learners' needs and interests.
     - Effectively apply strategies to motivate and manage classroom-based language activities for young learners, with a "tool set" for rewarding desired individual and group behaviors.
     - Conduct an needs analysis, develop a learner profile, and then develop unit/lesson plans for young learners in a specific local context. This may also include the amassing of a collection of new resources and materials for strategic application to the local TEYL-related context.
     - Clearly articulate language learning goals and appropriately aligned measures to justify and evaluate any new approaches, activities and/or materials applied to local contexts.

 Presentation of the Final Project of Group A
Angela Tsakiri, Anna Grabowska, Cristina Cernei, Narith Souk
Teaching English to Young Learners on PhotoPeach

 Part 1
General Description , Lesson 1 , Lesson 2
Teaching English to Young Learners on PhotoPeach

Part 2
Lesson 3, Lesson 4, Lesson 5

I met teachers from parts of the world I had never imagined I could have, read about their problems, shared ideas and cooperated in every step of the way. I am also proud to say that the final project of my Group was awarded the highest grade and was chosen to be a model project for the courses to follow. Special thanks to the people who informed me about the course and helped me become part of it, to Wanda Walker the instructor of the course, my fellow participants and my partners for the final project.

Πέμπτη 1 Αυγούστου 2013

My brand new Digital Puppet

Technology keeps getting deeper and deeper in our children's everyday lives, not only in terms of entertaining them but also educating them. There are already schools equipped with the most modern means of technology ipads, tablets, etc. So, as a wise boy once said, how can we teachers of today, prepare the students of tomorrow if we stick to yesterday? We have to be one step ahead of them to be able to guide and instruct them. So, even if we belong to a different generation not feeling very familiar with technology we have to overcome this obstacle as we are asking our little students to do every day.
To this end, there are hundreds of applications about language learning that can help teachers.
Story Chimes created by Siena Entertainment LLC , a series of classic children's stories with a Read-alone and a Read-along mode.
iStoryBooks with digital storybooks you can listen to by a narrator, on Android tablets or phones.
My favorite application which I plan to use this year is 

 Talking Ginger
I think that a big, yellow digital cat might attract more attention than my poor old hand-puppet.

The students can identify with him as he has to go through the same daily routine that they have, and he can repeat everything they say. The teacher can "put words in Ginger's mouth", record what he/she wants and then play it for the students as if the cat talks, and the students will be able to "teach" Ginger and listen to him repeat words, phrases, structures.
Tutorial Video    (not in English but very explicit)

 It's late and little Ginger is getting ready for bed. He needs to shower and dry, brush his teeth and go potty. Will you help him?
Every time you get him ready for bed, you unlock a new piece of Ginger's dreams. There are 60 mysterious dreams to be unlocked. Make sure you collect them all. :-)
Ginger also repeats everything you say with his cute kitten voice and reacts if you tickle him, poke him or pet him.
You can also record videos of Ginger and share them with friends on Facebook & YouTube or send them by email or MMS.

★★★ HOW TO PLAY ★★★
✔ Talk to Ginger and he will repeat.
✔ Poke or tickle him.
✔ Press the toilet paper button to start the mini game.
✔ Press the shower button to wash him.
✔ Press the hair dryer button to dry him.
✔ Press the toothbrush button to brush his teeth.
✔ Press the toothpaste button to get more toothpaste.
✔ Press the timer button to start the 2 minute toothbrush timer.
✔ Press the jigsaw puzzle button to see all the puzzles you've collected.

I will have to get back to you for feedback on how the students respond but the teacher is already very enthusiastic with her new puppet!

Κυριακή 9 Ιουνίου 2013

Δευτέρα 27 Μαΐου 2013

E-twinning Quality Label

I would like to thank my students of the 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B classes of the 5th Primary School of Mytilene for working hard this year and for achieving a Quality Label for their project 
"Life on Europlanet". 

Τετάρτη 8 Μαΐου 2013

Our Dreams for the future of Europlanet

A simulation game by the students of the 5th and 6th classes of the 5th Primary School of Mytilene. They were asked to consider what they dream for the future, for the society and the citizens they created and to decide, in a playful manner, what the fairest economic system would be.

9th May is Europe Day and it is dedicated to the unity and peace of the EU countries. It is the day that the whole idea started."United in diversity" is the motto of the EU.   It signifies how Europeans have come together, in the form of the EU, to work for peace and prosperity, while at the same time being enriched by the continent's many different cultures, traditions and languages.
The history of the European Union
Inspiring Teaching material about the EU

Τρίτη 7 Μαΐου 2013

We are eTwinning

A poster created to point out our collaboration for the project "Life on Europlanet" as part of the "We are eTwinning" competition.

Σάββατο 4 Μαΐου 2013

Teaching Imperatives through Creative Drama

The following video is a result of an online e-Twinning Learning Lab about Creative Drama and its use as an education technique, organised by Irene Pateraki. The students practised the use of Imperatives through a Creative Drama technique. The script of the activity was about "A visit to a natural reserve park" and the students had to write rules and draw their own signs according to these rules.

Can you guess by the little students' expressive faces what rule applies to each video
An outcome of the Learning Event on Creative Drama with all the activities, material and participants’ contributions

Τρίτη 16 Απριλίου 2013

Building On Europlanet

The students of the 5th class of the 5th Primary School of Mytilene, Greece have started building on Europlanet.
The Parthenon using Lego Digital Designer by Efimia Grimani, Class 5A

 Famous European landmarks pinned on our Europlanet

The Czech students built on Europlanet as well ! Great architects!
Building on the Europlanet - Czech Republic on PhotoPeach

Δευτέρα 25 Μαρτίου 2013

Winning Europlanet Logo

This is the winning logo for the project "Life on Europlanet" . Congratulations to the Bulgarian School 144 Secondary School Narodni Buditeli for winning the competition! More than 100 students voted for the Logo Competition! Do the puzzle to find out the winning sketch!

Δευτέρα 18 Μαρτίου 2013

Europlanet Cookery Book

       As food is an essential part of the preservation of life, the students examined the EU directives concerning food production, food safety, public  health, agricultural development, control systems in the EU that aim at ensuring a high quality of food. They also learned about the European Food Safety Authority that evaluates the compliance of the products according to EU standards.
The activity was to create a collaborative  Cookery  Book containing recipes from all EU countries. The students made an effort to find recipes that are representative of each country. They created an
 e-book containing the recipes. 

The Greek Europlanet Cookery Book

Myebook - Europlanet Cookery Book - click here to open my ebook 
 The Bulgarian Europlanet Cookery Book -
Myebook - Europlanet Cookery Book -BG - click here to open my ebook

Κυριακή 17 Μαρτίου 2013

A Euroschool on Europlanet

A book created by the students of the 6th Class to describe the school they can imagine built on Europlanet. It would be a "green school", children from all European countries would go there, they would speak many languages......Read on!
Myebook - A Euro-planet School - click here to open my ebook

Πέμπτη 14 Μαρτίου 2013

Building on Europlanet

 After reaching Europlanet and landing successfully, the Europlanet citizens started building on it. Some of the most important monuments have already been constructed. Our architectural designs for building monuments on Europlanet are going on and on!

Created with Padlet

The Bulgarian students created their Europlanet landscape as well!

Τετάρτη 13 Μαρτίου 2013

The trip to Europlanet - the scientific way!

The students of the 6th Class of the 5th Primary School of Mytilene, chose to travel to Euro-planet using the knowledge they have acquired after studying hard Chemistry and Physics! They had fun putting everything in practice! You can try flying there, too!

Trip to Europlanet

More PowerPoint presentations from Angela

The students from 5A from the Czech Republic landed on Europlanet too !

Τρίτη 5 Μαρτίου 2013

Our trip to Europlanet

Travelling to Euro-planet           
A project by the students of the 5th Class,
5th Primary School of Mytilene, Greece on PhotoPeach

Κυριακή 27 Ιανουαρίου 2013

A Day on Europlanet

Myebook - A day on Europlanet - click here to open my ebook

A diary created by the students of Classes E1 and E2, - 5th Primary School of Mytilene, Greece- to describe their every day activities on Europlanet. After comparing and contrasting, sharing with students from the rest of our e-Twinning partner-schools we will draw conclusions as to what European Citizenship is and what the common features among people of the same age are.